Project Description:

This game, Future Hero, was developed as the final project of CSC404, a game design course taught at the University of Toronto. The main mechanic of this game was the ability to peek into the future in order to prevent disasters before they happened. This had a lot of gameplay implications, so our team had to design this feature effectively.

For example, puzzles were built around this system since the player had to figure out what to do in the present in order to prevent the bad future from happening. Furthermore, the game also has different endings based on the player’s actions, so there was also a narrative element related to the use of future vision. Over the course of the project, this mechanic was constantly improved upon and every other element of the game such as the sound and visuals were designed in a way to make it stronger since it was the heart of the game.

Gameplay Breakdown (Core Loop and 60 Second Slice)

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